Day 4 of 21

>> Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weight: 132
Lost so far: 4 lbs

7am: Juice, water, acai
Dentist appt this morning so have to load up prior to appt. Great to be 1more lb down!

2pm: Juice, green drink, soup, and the rest.
Driving down to New Hampshire today, so I've packed for the road to keep on schedule. I wonder when the healing crisis will hit?? Hopefully not today! I think it will help to have the colonics appointment on Friday, so I should be all set for the weekend.

By the way – I'm wearing a pair of trousers for the first time since I’ve had the baby….they now fit! I’m looking forward to getting into my old clothes. But am nervous about all the loose skin…. Won’t be pretty. I’ll have to start situps soon…

Broccoli and cauliflower soup made in crockpot isn’t so good….weird taste from it….don’t think I’ll be making it again…

8:30pm: Lots of drinks – kept on schedule.
Ok now I think I know what the healing crisis is about. I free wiped out and sick. The 5 hr round trip to NH didn’t help I’m sure, but I could just go to bed. Donal went to the gym, I’m sure I have his head wrecked talking about issues. I wonder am I fixated on these issues because I had hidden them (negative feelings) in some fat cells and now they are bubbling out…..they did say to watch out for that in the book. Anyway, ended the evening on a good note with the kids, read them a story and talked to John for a bit. Then got to read an extra story to Darragh after Aedan went down. Ok I'm off to fix soup for tomorrow. I can’t drink any more of that broccoli stuff its awful!

9:30: Workout
Dragged my body onto the treadmill and managed 10 mins with 20 & 20 star jumps thrown in. hopefully that will get the toxins out…


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Detox Supplies

Juice of the Day

Carrot, Apple & Ginger

You will need: 1 apple, 3-4 carrots, and a slice of ginger.

Juice the apple and carrots and ginger slice in the juicer. Serve immediately!


This is a juice that I use as a baseline for other juices. To add more "power" try adding the following ingredients:

- Stick of Celery
- Handful of Alfalfa sprouts
- Some kale, spinach, other leafy greens

Soup of the Day - the healthy way!

Butternut Squash & Orange Juice

Split a butternut squash down the middle, and scoop out the seeds and set aside. Wash & dry and place on a baking tray. Place a tablespoon of orange juice in the cavity. Cover with foil and bake in a 375 deg. oven for about 45 mins - 1 hr. Test the flesh with a fork - when its soft, its done! Meanwhile, while the squash is cooking, wash the seeds, removing fibers of flesh, and place on a baking tray to dry. Remove baked squash from the oven and allow to cool. Pour the OJ into a blender, and scoop out all of the flesh into the blender, discarding the skins. Puree the squash, and then pour into a saucepan. Add about 6 cups of distilled or spring water (do not use tap water, as it contains chlorine etc which defeats your healthy mission). Bring to the boil and its ready to eat!

When the seeds have dried, bake them in the oven for 30 mins until roasted. Sprinkle on top of the soup and serve.


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