Is caffeine keeping you on life's threadmill?

>> Sunday, March 8, 2009

Are you jumping out of bed to greet each day with boundless energy - if so, you may want to stop reading ... this blog isn't for you!

Do you feel like you are tired constantly or are you too tired to think straight? Is caffeine your crutch to get you through your day? If any of this is ringing a bell, keep reading.

Before I start, I want to say - I get it. I have 3 kids age 5 and under, and I work full time in a job that comes with a fair amount of responsibility. So like many other working Mom's, I don't have time to be tired. But I've been living with being tired for a long time....several years at least. I finally kicked "tired" out of my house and life when I finished the Martha's Vineyard 21 day Detox Diet a few weeks ago. In fact, within days of just starting the detox, "tired" was packing his bags and heading for the door. Since then I've changed the locks, so he can't get back in ;-)

Its been about 3 weeks since I've completed the diet, and its only now that I fully appreciate just how tired I actually was. For so long, I felt that it was "normal" but after the detox, I'm loving my new "normal" and wouldn't trade back.

So enough about me, how does all of this help you?

My recommendation is this - if you haven't done so already, buy yourself a copy of the 21 Pounds in 21 Days book, carve out 20 or 30 minutes before your normal bedtime, get into bed with a cup of relaxing herbal tea, take a deep breath and expel all thoughts about your day, and start reading.

It may take some time to get through the book, but I know that as you read, you will become excited about the possibilities for where this could take you. Picture yourself 2 or 5 years from now. How do you want to feel? What will your life be like? Will you be still promising to take time for yourself "soon", or will you have successfully managed to make a lifestyle shift, incorporating healthy habits and exercise, and feel "on top of your game"?

The ball is in your court, serve is yours....


Anonymous March 11, 2009 at 10:20 AM  

This is very thought provoking. I do feel tired all the time, and am probably too reliant on caffine. Thanks for recommending the book.

Jessanna March 18, 2009 at 10:38 PM  

I am so glad I found your blog! I am starting the detox tomorrow- TOMORROW!! I am so excited! My husband is going to do the 7 day detox- which is great because he can help me through the first week! I am going for the 21 day mark! I have read the book and spent the last week prepping for success- now with this blog, (and your recipe's:) It will make it that much easier. I'll keep you posted:)

Annmarie March 19, 2009 at 3:27 AM  

Hi Jones Family Five!

Check out our new social network - lots of members also doing the detox at

Good luck!

PS Check out the templates, shopping list etc from the top menu bar for help getting organized

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Detox Supplies

Juice of the Day

Carrot, Apple & Ginger

You will need: 1 apple, 3-4 carrots, and a slice of ginger.

Juice the apple and carrots and ginger slice in the juicer. Serve immediately!


This is a juice that I use as a baseline for other juices. To add more "power" try adding the following ingredients:

- Stick of Celery
- Handful of Alfalfa sprouts
- Some kale, spinach, other leafy greens

Soup of the Day - the healthy way!

Butternut Squash & Orange Juice

Split a butternut squash down the middle, and scoop out the seeds and set aside. Wash & dry and place on a baking tray. Place a tablespoon of orange juice in the cavity. Cover with foil and bake in a 375 deg. oven for about 45 mins - 1 hr. Test the flesh with a fork - when its soft, its done! Meanwhile, while the squash is cooking, wash the seeds, removing fibers of flesh, and place on a baking tray to dry. Remove baked squash from the oven and allow to cool. Pour the OJ into a blender, and scoop out all of the flesh into the blender, discarding the skins. Puree the squash, and then pour into a saucepan. Add about 6 cups of distilled or spring water (do not use tap water, as it contains chlorine etc which defeats your healthy mission). Bring to the boil and its ready to eat!

When the seeds have dried, bake them in the oven for 30 mins until roasted. Sprinkle on top of the soup and serve.


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